Our seven acres on Fidalgo Island sounds spacious, but it only has two fairly level areas with the rest being steep and cliffy. It took some effort to prepare a pad for the Offshore, and I took the opportunity to also re-gravel and grade our 1/4-mile driveway. Here is where she sits now.

I've added extensions to the stock Costco enclosure so the windshield would clear, and installed the side curtains after this picture was taken. There's an electrical drop nearby, as well as water, so although it's in the woods we have all the amenities (the toilet is out the back). A big drawback is that I have to back up our steep driveway, which we call the Long and Winding Road (the Beatles last #1 hit, for those of you who are not Baby Boomers). During the summer it will probably stay at a nearby storage yard, or maybe the dry storage facility on the Swinomish Channel.

Once we got it in, I elevated the trailer tongue to get as much water as possible out of the hull. Wish I had measured the volume; it had to have been several gallons.


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